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About the Book

Meet The Author: Robert Morris

Robert Morris is the senior pastor of Gateway Church, a multicampus church based in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Since it began in 2000, the church has grown to more than 100,000 active attendees. His television program airs in over 190 countries, and his radio program, Worship & the Word with Pastor Robert, airs in more than 6,800 cities. He serves as chancellor of The King’s University and is the bestselling author of numerous books, including The Blessed Life, Frequency, Beyond Blessed, and Take the Day Off. Robert and his wife, Debbie, have been married forty-four years and are blessed with one married daughter, two married sons, and nine grandchildren.

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Descanse su mente, cuerpo y espíritu mientras se centra en los principios divinos con relación al reposo con esta guía de ayuda del autor de éxitos de ventas, Robert Morris.
Un flujo constante de actividades puede desgastarnos lentamente con el tiempo: física, mental, emocional y espiritualmente. Sin embargo, los creyentes a menudo olvidan que tomar un día de descanso es uno de los Diez Mandamientos. Cuando no les damos el respiro necesario a nuestras mentes y emociones, nuestra voluntad para tomar buenas decisiones, a menudo, puede verse comprometida. Descansar también es importante para aquellos que nos rodean. Si su alma está extenuada, no puede volcarse en sus seres queridos, en los de su trabajo o en aquellos dondequiera que esté. Es vital que haga esto: tómese el día libre.
En Tómese el día libre, el pastor Morris explica por qué el reposo es crucial para su bienestar, cómo hacerlo y cómo puede ser útil. Se sentirá inspirado para experimentar un verdadero descanso y convertirlo en una prioridad en el ritmo de su agenda semanal. No espere ni demore las bendiciones de Dios en su vida. Comience a implementar el principio del descanso en su vida y experimentará beneficios eternos.

Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God's principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.
A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don't give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can't pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It's vital–you must take the day off.

In TAKE THE DAY OFF, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.